China, Brazil, India, Russia or USA still ?
I am just wondering about the global redistribution of economic, political and military power in the next few years. Right now, the great U.S. of A. is the sole global superpower, and also the only watchdog of the world, right ? But will things remain the same in,say,the next 15-30 years ?
Will USA have the permanent monopoly in world's superpowerdom ? Or, will an upcoming new power outstrip the United States? If so, who shall be the next superpower of the world ? I dont have an answer yet but only some hazy ideas.
China might be a possible choice, right ? It has more or less stabilized its population and its economy is booming. The large majority of its cream of human resources is coming back to serve it, esp. in the Quangzoo area where silicon valley-like and Boston area-like knowledge empires are coming up. China has more or less controlled its internal dissent and has no overt external enemies right now-even that, she has the confidence to tackle. It has also some brand names in the world market. And its S & T potential is siginificant.
What about India, well, a borderline case. India's economy is also booming ,at least, in her metros. But she has lot of internal troubles esp, in the North East and J & K. And India has still unsettled business with many neighbors esp. Pakistan, bangladesh etc. Plus, she has still been unable to check her population growth and extreme rural and urban poverty. But in the southern states, IT is a booming industry. If India can solve her internal unrest and negotiate successfully to resolve her problems with neighbors, she might just have a chance in the reckoning.
Brazil also could be a potential candidate and so also are, Russia or the European Union. But who knows, an unexpected power may come out of the blue from the great African continent or even from the Middle East even. Till that time, USA will rule the roost. Wont she ?