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Published on August 1, 2004 By web_poet In Blogging
Hello bloggers,

I like haikus a lot. They are so tiny and cute like bosais. Do you like haikus too or longer poems-can anyone tell me websites where I can download beautiful Haiku peoms, Japanese or otherwise, please ?

on Aug 01, 2004
I like long poems better, although I agree that haikus and short poetry like ones written by Emily Dickenson have their own charm. But I really love epic stuff. Homer's Ilaid and Dante's Divine Comedy are my all-time favorites, though yes they are translated ones not original. I admit it's not always easy to get through the long ones, but they are big pieces of art that one just tries to look and take time to enjoy.

As for the website: try google search, you should come up with plenty.
on Aug 02, 2004
You are right, RB, I also like long poems if they make some sense.

But haikus are so cute and terse, compact like the bonsai plants.

Do you write haikus yourself ?
on Aug 02, 2004
No, I do not.
on Aug 06, 2004
Ok , RB, what do you do in general ?