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John Muir or Audobon or ?
Published on July 31, 2004 By web_poet In Pets & Nature
John Muir was america's preservationist,he wanted wild lands not to be touched at all . and had a great fight with G Pinchot who was a coservationist and for wise use of nature's resources.

John's writings led to establishment of many national parks such as yellowstone and founding of the sierra club.

Audobon was another environmental pioneer and commemorated as the founder of the audobon society.

I am not sure, who the first modern american environmentalist is : Muir or Audobon or ?

Does anybody have the answer, let me know, would love to share ?

on Jul 31, 2004
John Audubon (1785-1851) came a bit before John Muir ( 1838-1914), and he didn't found the Audubon Society. George Bird Grinnell did. Audubon was just a painter, who happened to pain birds. He love the North American wilderness though, and I suppose who could call him a naturalist.

An environmentalist is more someone who advocates for protecting the envionment. John Muir called for the establishment of the Sierra Club in 1892. Not sure if there was anyone before him though.

I used to study this sort of thing a bit, but its been awhile. I'll try to look up some class notes when I get the chance, and see if they shed any more light.

Nice idea for joeuser discussion.
on Aug 01, 2004
Thanks for the feedback. Wish other bloggers interested in environmental history join this post. The call of the wilderness was the first human response to environmental degradation wreaked by humans and, in that sense, the venerable John Muir deserves to be called the father of the modern environmental movement in America, right ?
on Aug 01, 2004
I'm not ready to be certain that it is John Muir alone as founder of enviromentalism in U.S.A. Another possibility is George Perkins Marsh. Check out this bio:

George Perkins Marsh Bio.