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hello all canine bloggers,this is my first bark,off,blog(growl,growl,howl)!
Published on July 29, 2004 By web_poet In Humor
Hello all fellow canine bloggers!

This is my blog.

I am a german sheperd-age 3 years.

It's so difficult to use the keyboard.

My 'boss' is out and I got the comp for some time luckily.

Oof, these selfish humans, they make the keyboard without realizing how a dog will type there, can't there be some ergonomic designs fit for us canines!

Oof, I did not deliberately leave the above lines blank, I am typing with my right paw and the key got depressed many times,sorry!

The key is also problematic, see!

OK now to the meaty stuff:

Today I woke up as usual at 4 am and my boss took me in his morning walk.

Then I got a wash and 3 lumps of chicken meat.

Then slept from 7 am to 10 am.

I show a dream also: saw that all dogs of the world started bloggin and hacking the human blogs, replacing them with canine blogs,aha!

This password thing is a problem. We dogd are used to sniffing. Why cant they use smells as passwords?

I have some dreams to share with my fellow canine bloggers.

I wish to see my blogs listed in top of the chart in joeuser site, but damn humans will decide the ratings, cant they include some venerable canines too in the rating experts group?

I want just an easy life, not much barking, more blogging.

I want to see a million blogs before i kick the bucket.

A few glasses of milk, some 2-3 kilos of meat, nice bath and long walks and no participation in these bloody dog-shows.

Yesterday, my owner took me to the vet shrink to cure me of mybudding interest in computers, IT and blogging.

He gave some bitter medicines but that did not cure me of my blogging urges.

I look forward to the day we canines have a "Dog bloggers' asociation" and every interested eligible dog access to a computer and a blogging password in the site( preferably passwords as smell codes).

Maybe i am dreaming too much, but i am sanguine. As they say, every dog has his day! What do you say, fellow bloggers?

Till that time, all canines, keep blogging your blues away.

Let's give these stupid humans a stiff comepetetion.

Happy barking,sorry bloging, till the day when canine internet rights will be recognized by the e-community!

Growl growl howl, Ciao.

PS. If you like this blog, growl once. Dont like?-howl. Indifferent-hide your tail, sorry humans, in your case just scowl!

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