what is mind, no matter, whats matter : never mind!
Last night, I could not sleep. So, I opened "The Alchemist" by Paul Coelho. It's a great book, about a sheperd's search for the ultimate treasure and fulfillment in life and search for his "soul".
He goes to many lands, meets many beautiful girls on the way, earns money and then loses, yet he never gets fulfillment.
After searching all over the world, he ,at last, realizes that what he was searching was always there inside him and where he started-he didn't have to travel the world to seek it. But,alas,he realized that only after peregrinating the nooks and corners of the world. He found his "soul" at length.
The point is: can a soul search for itself, can a mind analyze itself? Is it not a dagger cutting itself? In other words, can one attain one's one nirvana by analyzing his own mind. Is it possible. Or how so one achieve a sort of no-mind state when one gets linked to one's intimate 'self', one's core 'soul'. Is it possible?
Or do we also need to take a sisyphean odyssey through the ends of the world to find one's soul and to reach the place from where one started!
"sitting quietly,
doing nothing,
the grass grows by itself!".
PS. Is there some elusive thing called 'the subconscious mind' and how to tap its energies?