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we either long for a sweet past or a perfect future, but why can't we extract some gifts from the PRESENT?
Published on July 25, 2004 By web_poet In Philosophy

Thats it friends. Either we long for some cherishes past moments or look forward to a perfect future.

Most of the time,we just cannot enjoy the HERE and NOW. Either we are in a lousy job, or our associates are too dull or uncreative or our circumstances are too constrained. Or somehow things just dont add up.

But is there some divine way to be and enjoy the here and now and take some gifts from the PRESENT.

As the zen budhists say:

"Sitting quietly,
doing nothing,
The grass grows by itself!"

on Jul 25, 2004
"Sitting quietly,
doing nothing,
The grass grows by itself!"

This is true dear boy. Whilst I am sitting at my desk, browsing escort websites my company is still earning me money.
on Jul 26, 2004
Very true. Being in the present is important. It slips by so quickly! Good article!
on Jul 29, 2004
Odd. The present was tomorrow and will be the past. Our humanity is the very thing that allows us to see this and work in it. Consequently, I think to enjoy the present, one must have a gracious point of view regarding the past and an optimistic one for the future.