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does our brief sojourn on earth make any difference!
Published on July 25, 2004 By web_poet In Misc
We are born, study some years, take a job, get married ,make kids, do the routine for some years, then grow old and die.

Do we leave any lasting impression?

Does our brief stay on this planet make any siginficant difference.

In other words, except for geniuses,business tycoons,scientists,inventors and leaders, for most of us ordinary mortals:

Does human life have a purpose?

on Jul 25, 2004
Of course not. "Purpose" is an imaginary human mental concept that we have evolved to cope with the universe we find ourselves in. Just like our ideas of "time" and "space".Enjoy the time you have here and do it responsibly! Pray for clarity and awareness daily! But most of all, just live.
on Jul 25, 2004
No kidding, you're thinking way too much about it. I went through the same thought process when I was in 5th grade, wondered why we even live when we're just going to die anyway. We make a difference to our loved ones, who also only live a short while. But I believe every one of us leaves an impact on our surroundings for the future. Planting a tree will make a difference.

Watch "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, he asks the same questions.
on Jul 26, 2004

except for geniuses,business tycoons,scientists,inventors and leaders, for most of us ordinary mortals: Does human life have a purpose?

why make exceptions?  on our tiny scale, some will be remembered but for how long?  on the cosmic scale, everything that's happened on this planet is merely a moment. 

whatever purpose there may be (im not convinced there is) must be more than mere human memories

on Jul 29, 2004
purpose...The object toward which one strives or for which something exists. What if my purpose is to have no purpose? Does this indeed mean that my purpose is just an absurdity?

Hmm I exist for me, so maybe that means my purpose is me and me alone. Does that make me overly egotistical? Then again I also exist for my partner, so perhaps I exist for him, or love, or not to be alone.

Na, I think I exist to live, to be, to have, to enjoy.

Hehe, nice got me thinking
on Jul 30, 2004
Everyone has these thoughts from time to time...

A few years ago, when I was a teenager, all I wanted was possesions... fast car, cool TV, awesome computer, great sound system... all that superficial crap... Only recently have I come to know, the more you learn, the more knowledge you have, and the more you lose, the more wisdom you have...

Life is about experiences, sure, I work a 9-5 job, but I spend my money going out with my friends, meeting people, going on holidays and that type of thing... Life is about you, because it's your life - and whatever it takes to develop you as a person - well, that is life!!!

on Jul 30, 2004
Of course life has a purpose. For one thing, life here in this world as we know it is but only a very small part of the over-all picture. Life here is just one phase of our existence as a whole. Once you die, you go on to the next phase but your life here in this world is over. Weather or not we are remembered or not after we pass is really of little importance. Matter of fact its not at all important except for our own peace of mind that we have accomplished something great but then it becomes insignificant due to the fact that we are no longer here.
Fame? Wealth? Power? It will all come to nothing in the end of our time here.
We live now for the world which is to come. We are here for a purpose. This purpose is to learn the lessons that life in this world has to teach us. How we react to what is dealt us and how we deal with certain situations. How we cope with the death of someone close. How we deal with finding out that we have cancer. How we treat others that we see that are in need or less fortunate than ourselves. These are the important things that we will take with us when we leave. It won't be our kids or our knowledge power or money. Have you ever seen a hurst with a luggage rack on top of it?
Our successes here in this life will not be measured by what we have acquired but rather by what we have given and to whom much is given shall much be required. GCJ