This site is about originality, individuality and creativity
Leaves of grass etc.
Published on July 31, 2004 By web_poet In Pets & Nature
I am a nature lover. America the current king of modern tech and destroyer of nature had also many nature poets and nature lovers, some almost mystical. Such as John Muir, Rachel carson, Audobon. One of them is Walt Whitman, whom I have not read in detail though leaves of grass etc in excerpts.

But I still faintly remember what I read long ago in univ library while I was doing my masters......a book on ecology was quoting whitman thus.....

"If you remember me after years.... look for me under your boots.....".. so lyrical way of describing the cycles of nature and ecological the hindus say.." vasudevaiya kuttumbakam" the earth is one big family..... whatever you do to the web of life affects you...because you are, irrevocably, a part of the web....

if you remember me years hence,......

look for me under your boots

on the grasses by the riverside!

Does anyone remember more of the above...i tried hard but cant remember the title ot the author?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 31, 2004
Dude, go see the movie, "The Notebook".

The lead character is obsessed with Whitman and read him as a child outloud to get rid of a speech impediment.

You'll like it.

on Jul 31, 2004

No, I don't, but are you Hindu?  If you are - namaste, my friend.

I too believe that everything is cylical, and that when I die I'm going to go back to the earth that made me and be 'recycled' as a tree, or as grass or as dirt........'s all good.


on Aug 01, 2004
Thanks trinitie and dharmagrl.

Yes dharmagrl, I am a hindu by birth and namaste to you too, are you also a hindu?

I think I am more a zen budhist in spiril,though.

Thanks for the nice feedback !
on Aug 01, 2004

No, I'm not Hindu, I'm Buddhist.

I like Zen as well, although I should make more time to study and read it than I do.

You're welcome!

on Aug 01, 2004
Well, dharmagrl, what sect of budhism you belong to?

Are you an asian by the way ?

Do you like haikus ?

Sorry, all questions, no answers.
on Aug 01, 2004
Which sect of budhism you belong to,dharmagrl?

Are you an asian, btw?

Do you like haikus?

Sorry, all questions, and no answers, right ?
on Aug 01, 2004

I'm a student of all sects.  I don't like to pigeon hole myself.  I read some of the Dali Lama's work, some Nicheren, some Thicht Haht Nan...a little of everything.

No, I'm not Asian, I'm caucasian...see:

That's me a couple of months ago.

Haiku's...yes, I like them.  I'd recommend you read Jack Kerouac's haiku's.  I think you'll like them....

on Aug 01, 2004
Does kerouac have a website or do you know any other sites of haiku?


We are friends now,if I may say so.

Btw, what do you do, I mean work ? and where ?

on Aug 01, 2004

We are friends now,if i may say so.

Can you tell kerouac's or other haiku sites-do you work,what or where,please,if i may ask ?

on Aug 01, 2004

Hmmm, let me's one site that has a few of them: Link

This is a good site for poetry in general: Link

As far as work goes, I'm a trainee Private Investigator.  I do civilian detective work....background searches, marital infidelity cases, insurance claim investigations and stuff like that. I'm married, I have 3 children aged 11,9, and 8.  My husband is a detective in the US Air Force.

What about you?  Where are you from, and what do you do?

Yes, we're friends now.....

on Aug 02, 2004
Detective, that scares me off, DG !

Yours truly is a plain teacher, insginificant in the current world's scheme of things.

Why did you embrace budhism, any soul-searching life experinece(s) ?

on Aug 02, 2004
Dharmagrl, did I say anything to offend you? -why you stopped responding.

If I have done or said anything inadvertently, I am sorry.

Looking forward to hearinf from you soon.

Yours truly,

on Aug 02, 2004

No, you didn't offend me, I was just sleeping...!

I was christian for a long time, and I had questions that no-one could answer to my satisfaction.  So, after studying and learning about other religions, I finally stumbled across Buddhism, and it just felt right.  it makes sense to me, for some reason.

on Aug 02, 2004
Thanks, DG, is your husband also budhist or....?

I also intend to go deeper into zen budhism from now onwards.

Life,sometimes, do feel like a big void and I am searching for some answers but they all seem very elusive.

I think you may understand my anguish !
on Aug 02, 2004
Are your husband and children also budhist, by any chance.

I am thinking of going deeper into zen budhism from now onwards.

Sometimes life feels like a big void and I need some answers to many questions.

I hope you will understand my anguish,DG
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